Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Beach Boys

We had a fantastic few days at Old Orchard Beach.  Eli and Jack love playing together (or torturing each other) at the beach.  We did lots of shopping, eating out and hanging.

 This looks like fun, but it turned bad quickly.  Sand was flying while boys were rolling.  It was taking way too long for the sky to darken for fireworks!  We retreated to a more deserted portion of beach.  These boys need so much space!


This crazy cat eats the most bizarre things.  Donuts?  Really?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

ook-lay in the ag-bay

Look in the bag!  This cute cat entertaining us inside a purple paper bag!

Zombie Hunter

"Why are you taking my picture?"
"Cuz look how cute you are!"
"Mom...I'm not cute!  I'm a zombie hunter"

A pretty cute zombie hunter if you ask me

Star Wars and Legos

Grandma and Granddad visited last week and brought this amazing Lego Star Wars book.  The boys have been studying it for days!


Jack has always had 'big feelings'.  Teaching him how to manage those feelings is my #1 task as his mother.  It's been a pretty stressful few days and we decided to pull out the secret weapon: A Spa Treatment.  Nice warm tub + candles + classical music + breathing exercises = a more peaceful boy...for now.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Bagster

I'm a bit of a dumpster addict.  I love purging my house/garage of broken things, creating clean spaces that I always swear will not be replaced with other things that eventually break.

I recently discovered the Bagster...a smaller version of the dumpster.  It took me no time at all to fill it...probably could have used 2!  But the garage is now roomier for bikes to be neatly parked.  

I find great satisfaction in completing a project that eliminates junk from my life!