Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Beach Boys

We had a fantastic few days at Old Orchard Beach.  Eli and Jack love playing together (or torturing each other) at the beach.  We did lots of shopping, eating out and hanging.

 This looks like fun, but it turned bad quickly.  Sand was flying while boys were rolling.  It was taking way too long for the sky to darken for fireworks!  We retreated to a more deserted portion of beach.  These boys need so much space!


This crazy cat eats the most bizarre things.  Donuts?  Really?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

ook-lay in the ag-bay

Look in the bag!  This cute cat entertaining us inside a purple paper bag!

Zombie Hunter

"Why are you taking my picture?"
"Cuz look how cute you are!"
"Mom...I'm not cute!  I'm a zombie hunter"

A pretty cute zombie hunter if you ask me

Star Wars and Legos

Grandma and Granddad visited last week and brought this amazing Lego Star Wars book.  The boys have been studying it for days!


Jack has always had 'big feelings'.  Teaching him how to manage those feelings is my #1 task as his mother.  It's been a pretty stressful few days and we decided to pull out the secret weapon: A Spa Treatment.  Nice warm tub + candles + classical music + breathing exercises = a more peaceful boy...for now.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Bagster

I'm a bit of a dumpster addict.  I love purging my house/garage of broken things, creating clean spaces that I always swear will not be replaced with other things that eventually break.

I recently discovered the Bagster...a smaller version of the dumpster.  It took me no time at all to fill it...probably could have used 2!  But the garage is now roomier for bikes to be neatly parked.  

I find great satisfaction in completing a project that eliminates junk from my life! 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Super Bird

Sometimes, right before bed, a guy needs a little snack.  Some people might have a piece of toast or a few crackers.  Not Jack.  Protein is what the boy needs and he loves when it comes in the form of the Super Bird.  No need for a plate - just a fork will do!

Can I take your Order?

The window above the kitchen sink has become a 'drive thru' window for the people enjoying the pool.  Here's how it works:  A cute face appears at the window requesting something to eat or drink...or perhaps a fresh towel.  The nice lady on the other side of the window delightfully gives the cute face whatever it asks for.  It is summer after all!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Drummer Boy

Eli had pneumonia in May, diagnosed on Mother's Day, in fact!  He was down for the count for several days.  Lucky for him, he recovered quickly enough to go to his first drum lesson.  Coincidence?  I think not!  He came home and joyfully drummed on anything and everything.  This very impatient boy even drummed through his breathing treatments...which was a gift to me as I didn't have to entertain him!  Glad you are feeling better drummer boy!

Happy Momma's Day!

The boys made me this amazing fruit bouquet for Mother's Day this year.  They brought it home for me after visiting with their dad.  I'm pretty certain their very creative step-mom Suzanne had a hand in this very special gift.  We had a fun little fruity celebration together.  Thanks boys!  I love being your mom!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Today Eli and Jack are at the Bruins victory parade with Robb and Suzanne.  They are perched on a ledge at Robb's office building in Boston, right above the parade route.  After the parade they are heading to the Sox game.  A fun father's day celebration for them.  Years ago I had a hard time knowing that they were creating memories without me.  I've come to love watching from a distance and hearing their tales when they return.  They are lucky to have such a fun day today!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Back in the game

It's been well over a month since I've posted a photo.  Instead of throwing up my hands as I've done in past years, I'm just picking up where I left off.  I caught this cute photo of the boys one morning.  Eli playing his DSI, Jack reading a magazine perched on the back of the couch. They make each other crazy and really enjoy their moments together.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Is there a plumber in the house?

It is a thing of beauty, the inner workings of this toilet!  After many weeks of dripping, trickling, constant running and refilling I took matters into my own hands.  The young cocky stud at Home Depot smirked at me as I tried to make light of how easy this project would be.  I have half a mind to go back and tell him that it was a piece of cake.  

Navigating life as the only adult in the house can be challenging.  I often feel intimidated by projects that I don't instinctively know how to do.  Tonight my ego has received a little boost knowing that my toilet no longer trickles and that I am the one who made it that way!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


My babies are 10.  It's been a flash of an eye AND a long winding road.  I have been diligent in my efforts to stay in the moment, to not let the little moments pass us by, and yet it all so quickly becomes a blur.  I love these boys.  I love the young men they are strong and kind.  So connected to each other and the people around them.  Here's to 10 more and 10 more and 10 more...I love you two!

The Fedora

The fedora was a Must Have.  It suits his head so perfectly.  I love that this child wears what he loves.  I love that he wears it to school.  Even when he's anxious and tentative in the world, he shows up unique with his own sense of style.  I love this about Jack.

Worker Bee

Eli is a hard core worker.  If he is given a really good tool, he works even harder!  He loves the work, he loves the accomplishment, he loves the tools.  Works out very well for me!

Crusty Bread

Crusty bread makes us happy.  I have this great recipe from my dear friend Rue.  The house smells soooo good while it's baking and we usually polish off the entire little loaf in one sitting.    Eli is offended by the title 'crusty' bread, so he calls it 'crispy' bread.  Crusty or's a fantastic way to start...or end...the day!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I was on the phone with my friend Laurie as I massacred this pancake on Sunday morning.  In her beautiful sarcastic way she suggested that I take a picture and make it 'the picture of the day'!  So, I did


While doing homework this morning Jack munched on pizza flavored goldfish.  This little cat was in relentless pursuit of those fish...paws in the bag, knocking things over.  Who knew a kitten would eat pizza flavored goldfish?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Brain Bucket, Anyone?

Today was Eli and Jack's first mountain experience.  The entire way to the slopes they debated whether they would ski or board, even though Eli already has his own board.  They settled on snowboarding.  As we stood at the counter for equipment, the very cool ski dude said, "So, you guys need brain buckets?"  Jack was hooked.  Any sport that requires a brain bucket is great by him!  Helmets no longer exist in this house.  Brain Buckets for All!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Miserable Migraines

Poor Jack gets a handful of migraines every year.  He's learned the warning signs and has learned to ask for help early on.  All of his self advocacy didn't help much today.  He was stuck with this one.  He puked a few times, took some motrin and went to bed with 8/10 pain.  His biggest complaint was, "I feel gross".  Such a trooper.

 Sleep well my boy and wake up pain free!

Love is in the air

I love Valentine's Day and so enjoy spending it with the boys.  We use our special plates, eat pink pancakes and red velvet cake.  It's an all out chocolate and red fest...hopefully one where everyone knows how loved they really are!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Love of Books

Ever since these guys were teeny tiny I have read books to them.  I love when they say, "One more chapter!".  I love that they have discovered the unfolding of a good story.  Today I came home from doing errands and there they were, knee deep in a Hardy Boys book.  As long as Josh will keep reading, they will keep listening.  There's not much better than a good book!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Window to the World

We have a huge window in our stairway that lets in the outside world.  Every morning I look out there to see the day.  It usually has a sheer curtain giving us a bit of privacy, but the kitten took care of that a few weeks ago.  This was the view from that window after a wet nighttime snow this week.  A beautiful winter morning

Braces on Faces

Jack got his braces yesterday.  For years he has felt self conscious about his big front teeth so he was pretty excited to begin fixing them.  Last night, when the novelty wore off and the pain kicked in, he was not so excited.  He turned to Josh...his fellow braces warrior.  He knew that Josh would know exactly how he felt.  And he was right.  Josh told him all of the tricks about pain relief, eating soft foods, brushing.  They will be beautiful men with beautiful smiles and they will get through it together!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Winter 15

One of the nice things about snow days is cooking, baking, trying new recipes.  Unfortunately we have had 7 snow days so the eating goes on and on!  I discovered a new recipe for icebox cake this week and it was a big hit.  Hopefully all of the shoveling will burn the calories from this yummy cake!

Family Secrets

Grandma Mitchell's chocolate sauce.  It's a family secret recipe...only because I made it so!  Mitchell is not a family name.  This recipe came from a woman who was like a grandmother to us when we were kids.  I could eat it with a spoon, but it's technically supposed to go over ice cream.  It was the perfect addition to a snowy afternoon with some whipped cream...yes, over ice cream!

Crazy Boys

A fun afternoon of sledding with Stephen's kids.  These boys are nuts...they will try anything!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

With A Heavy Little Heart

We don't go to church very often.  A few days ago Jack said that he wanted to go to church today.  His friend's aunt has terminal cancer and he wanted to pray for a miracle.  We talked about how God is always with us and hears our prayers no matter where we are.  He felt that this was big enough to warrant being in a holy place.  So he and I went.  And my boy cried through most of the service.  He told the rector of his heavy heart and the entire congregation prayed for the healing of this woman that none of us have never met.

I love God, love Jesus and am pretty ambivalent about organized religion.  This boy of mine led the way today.  With an open and heavy heart he rallied God's people to join him on his journey.  I am so blessed to be on this journey with Jack.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Statute of Limitations

Eli was sitting on my lap today at the roller skating rink.  In his defense, he wasn't feeling all that great.  I asked him, "Will you sit on my lap when you are older".  Eli: "I don't know".  Me: "Well, you are almost 10, do you think you will sit on my lap then?" Eli: "Maybe"  I will be sad when the lap sitting days are over.  Would it be evil to hope for the occasional day of sickness that inspires the lap sitting?  I think I'll take my chances and hope for lap sitting however I can get it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Twins...of the non-siamese variety

Eli and Jack are as different as twin brothers could be...disposition, style, everything.  They are generally very nice kids, but they can be SO awful to each other.  They are fully aware of each other's 'buttons' and don't hesitate to push them.  And yet, they forge their way through the world as a pair. Jack is the extrovert who paves the way socially for Eli.  Eli is the problem solver who reduces Jack's anxiety.  They play for hours in a way that only they can play.  They anticipate and accommodate each other's style of play, finish each other's sentences, follow each other's instructions.  It must be cool to travel through life with a partner.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Jack loves the snow.  He seems impervious to the cold.  He rolls around, tunnels, scoops, throws...and then just lies in the cold stillness.  This is how I found him this morning when I came out to shovel.  It's a little alarming to ask my child, "Are you dead?"  The smirk gives him away every time!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Those who know me well...or even just a little...will confirm that I am not a person of order.  There are always piles of, well, everything...papers, books, laundry (separate piles for dirty and clean), even piles of dirt that I've swept.  I just don't need things to be exactly right.  For Christmas Brian and Siobhan bought me this cool swiveling Keurig coffee sorter.  It's making me insane.  I fill it with those little round containers, nicely sorted into little rows of three.  And then someone takes one!  Or worse, they switch them around!  The missing wholes are begging for replacements!  I'm not sure what it is about this gadget that is bringing out my dormant OCD tendencies, but it's making me crazy.  Should I put it away or live with the craziness?  I haven't yet decided.

School of Rock

The list of movies that we ALL love is a very short list.  At the top of that list is School of Rock.  Last weekend we watched it (cuz we own it!) and downloaded the soundtrack.  I'm sure I'll be hearing the lines for days...until we watch it again!

Monday, January 3, 2011

So Serious

This boy of mine is so incredibly serious.  He does not laugh easily, but when he does, it's a fantastic laugh!  I savor every minute of that sound.  I sometimes wonder if he's happy, but happiness seems irrelevant to him.  He is focused.  He is determined.  He is productive.
And so serious

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Boston Fans

I am not a sports any sense of the word!  I never watch the games on TV.  Stephen's sister invited us to come to today's Patriot's game with her...4th row up from the field!  It was such a blast to be among the crazy Boston fans...the swearing, the cheering, the companionship with other crazy fans.  It's good to be a Boston fan!